vincentAuthor of The foundation, today we are interviewing Steve P. Vincent on Thriller Books Journal. These are his answers to our questions.

[Q]: Hi Steve, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Steve P. Vincent as a person and as a writer?
[A]:Thanks for having me and it’s a thrill to be here (ha!).
As a person? Normal guy, love my family and friends, Chicago Bears fan, Essendon Bombers fan, like cured meats, like beer and whisky, like reading and watching stuff with explosions and suspense.
As a writer? Still learning and improving, trying hard to write punchy storiesthat are hard to put down and filled with complicated characters.

[Q]: Where did you get the idea for The Foundation?
[A]: I was chatting with someone over beers about the concentration and power of the modern media. I wondered what would happen if the largest media organization in the world had its resources and influence subverted to some evil end.
That germ of an idea led me to the question of who would do the subverting. Not long after, The Foundation for a New America and Michelle Dominique were born.

[Q]: Can you briefly summarize it (without telling us too much, of course)?
[A]: Sure. Basically, it’s a book about the transfer of power from the electors – you and me – and into the hands of powerful organizations such as big business, the media and think tanks. It’s about the manipulation of global events by these powerful players to a terrible end.
It’s a fight by one guy, Jack Emery, who’s caught in the middle of all of this and has to untangle it all against the backdrop of personal tragedy, a massive war and a whole lot of people out to stop him.

[Q]: Why readers might like it? Is there anything they might find difficult to accept in the book?
[A]: Well, obviously, it’s a cool political thriller that’s fun to read, full of action, intrigue and suspense. But that goes without saying, right?
Beyond that, I hope readers enjoy the flawed characters. There are no cardboard cutout goodies or baddies in my work. Everyone has a strong motivation for the part they play, everyone does some stuff they’re not proud of andeveryone ends the book a changed person.
I hope readers also like how the story revs up to breakneck pace over the first few chapters, then tears along until right near the end, where I slam the brakes hard. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope readers enjoy it as well.
There are some scenes that are tough to read, but I don’t believe in writing brutal scenes unless they have a place in the story. There’s nothing that should feel out of place at that point in the plot.

[Q]: Is Jack Emery based on someone you know?
[A]: Not really. Honestly, Jack is mistreated, beaten, blown up and tortured enough that, if he were based on anyone I knew they probably wouldn’t talk to me again. Or they’d back away slowly while calling the police.

[Q]: Are you already working on a new book?
[A]: I sure am – the sequel to The Foundation. It’s coming along nicely. I hope readers might like the bookenough to stay on board for another spin.

[Q]: What’s your opinion regarding ebooks and traditional books?
[A]: Books are books, stories are stories. They’re what matter. Format doesn’t. Just like the literature vs genre debate, it doesn’t interest me. Whatever helps to get more people reading more often is okay by me.
I read ebooks and the dead tree variety. How I read a story doesn’t change my view of it, and I think ebooks are becoming as ubiquitous as any other story delivery system.

[Q]: A suggestion to wannabe writers.A suggestion to passionate readers.
[A]: If you’re a wannabe writer, write. Set aside regular time, slog it out even if it’s hard, finish something, show others, accept their feedback graciously (even if you don’t agree with it), make it as good as you can then send it off. What have you got to lose?
Oh man, passionate readers. They rock. Keep buying and devouring books, whatever your favourite genre. You’re the thin membrane keeping writers slightly less impoverished and protecting earth from the oblivion of the Kardashian hordes and reality TV.
If you want to say anything, this is the moment…
Wow, that’s high pressure! I’m not very wise, so I’ll make a prediction:
There will come a time when thriller readers are the new surfers, fawned over by beautiful women and hunky men (depending on your preference), admired by non-thriller readers and what kids say they want to be when they grow up.
Until then, solidarity brothers and sisters!

[Q]: Would you like to say hello to our readers?
[A]: Sure! Thanks for reading. If you happen to buy the book, thanks for that too. I’d love to hear from you.

[Q]: Thanks for having accepted our invitation: it’s been a pleasure having you.
[A]: The pleasure was mine. Speak soon.

The Foundation by Steve P. Vincent was published by Momentum in September 2014 and is available here and from all good ebook retailers. Join Steve on Facebook, Twitter or the web