vernonAuthor of The Lady from Maida Vale today we are interviewing Vernon Robinson; this is how he answered our usual questions…

[Q]: Hi Vernon, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Vernon Robinson as a person and as a writer?
Vernon Robinson, aged 81–born in London, but raised in Lancashire. Educated in various distinguished libraries (without their knowledge)

[Q]: Why readers might like The Lady from Maida Vale? Is there anything they might find difficult to accept in the book?
[A]: Why readers may like it? Hopefully because it is well written; in short paragraphs and doesn’t ‘sag’. Good characterisation – and wit. No difficulties with women – unless you are a male chauvinist!

[Q]: Is Dawn Hope character based on someone you know?
[A]: Dawn is a mixture of women in the past that I have known and loved.

[Q]: Are you already working on a new book?
[A]: I am working on final book of the trilogy. Working title, ‘Death of a Man from Boston‘.

[Q]: What’s your opinion regarding ebooks and traditional books?
[A]: As regards ebooks and traditional books: ebooks are a fact; we have to live with them. my only complaint is that the text layout is poor and the proof reading leaves something to be desired

[Q]: A suggestion to wannabe writers. A suggestion to passionate readers.
[A]: I would not dare to give advice to would-be writers – except have a theme and stick to it. Don’t have too many characters. Your job is to interest and entertain. All books are escapism!

[Q]: If you want to say anything, this is the moment…
Do I have anything further to say? No. Except that I hope you enjoy reading The Lady from Maida Vale, as much as I enjoyed writing it. (This writing lark keeps an old man sane.)