ian-simpsonAuthor of Murder on the Second Tee, Ian Simpson has accepted answering our questions. Enjoy our latest interview on Thriller Books Journal.

[Q]: Hi Ian, welcome to Thrillerbooksjournal.com. Our first question is very easy: who is Ian Simpson as a person and as a writer?
[A]: Thank you for inviting me to your site. But it’s not easy to define myself as a person or as a writer. I feel I am, or have been, a lot of people. Currently I’m a guy in a wheelchair with a wife, family and friends who are wonderfully supportive. I happen to spend my time writing crime fiction. Overall I have been very lucky and I still enjoy life. In my time I have acted, played golf to a handicap of three, dabbled in politics, practised at the Scottish bar (mainly defending in criminal cases), done after-dinner speaking (including Burns Night in New York), travelled widely, and sat as a local judge (with a few stints sitting as a temporary High Court judge). As a writer I feel as if I am beginning to know what I’m doing. I’d always wanted to write crime fiction and when I retired due to muscular dystrophy, I sent stuff to a professional editor who painstakingly gutted it. It has been a case of new tricks, but this old dog has learned some and my education continues.

[Q]: Where did you get the idea for Murder on the Second Tee?
[A]: I was lucky enough to have been brought up in St Andrews and I think a good location can enhance a book. St Andrews is perfect as it is full of history and is the Mecca for golfers. Lots of people have been there, for school, university or holiday and have positive feelings about it. With my golfing background it seemed a good idea to bring that in. We have stayed at the Old Course Hotel and it provided an ideal stage, with a long weekend limiting the time frame for the investigation. And bankers, well they’re not flavour of the month, are they? But there has been little fiction based round their shenanigans.

[Q]: Can you briefly summarize it (without telling us too much, of course)?
[A]: The directors of a niche bank have gone to St Andrews to discuss major issues. One of them is found dead on the golf course. Detective Inspector Flick Fortune, pregnant and dealing with her first case as an inspector, struggles to get behind the bank’s respectable façade. She receives unexpected help from Detective Sergeant Bagawath Chandavarkar, known as Baggo, who is investigating a massive money laundering scam. Another murder follows and Flick’s old boss and tormentor, ex-Inspector No makes an unwelcome intrusion before the truth is revealed.

[Q]: Why readers might like it? Is there anything they might find difficult to accept in the book?
[A]: It has good pace and is well laced with humour. Readers have told me it was hard to guess whodunit. Readers and reviewers have said the characters are well drawn. I hope there is nothing unacceptable in the book.

murder-second-tee[Q]: Is the Flick Fortune character based on someone you know?
[A]: No. I take characteristics of different people, real or imaginary, and the character in the book is an amalgam of them.

[Q]: Are you already working on a new book?
[A]: Murder in Court Three is nearly finished. It features the same detectives and, surprise, surprise, I have a go at lawyers.

[Q]: What’s your opinion regarding ebooks and traditional books?
[A]: Ebooks are so easy to take with you that they will remain hugely important. Hardbacks will retain their place for coffee table, biography and reference books. Many like the feel of a paperback and I am one of them. I also find it easier to refresh my memory with a paper book.

[Q]: A suggestion to wannabe writers. A suggestion to passionate readers.
[A]: Writers: read books that are either page-turners or well written, or both, and observe the author’s tricks. Readers: never be afraid to try something new, and don’t hesitate to abandon a book you are really not enjoying; there are so many good ones out there!

[Q]: If you want to say anything, this is the moment…
[A]: An author creates something then invites others to spend a few pounds of money and perhaps five hours of free time on it. When someone buys and reads one of my books I feel honoured. If I learn that they genuinely enjoyed it I am very pleased and a little proud.

[Q]: Would you like to say hello to our readers?
[A]: Hello readers! Should you want to visit my website it is http://www.iansimpsonauthor.co.uk/. There is a facility for sending a message should you want to use it.

[Q]: Thanks for having accepted our invitation: it’s been a pleasure having you.
[A]: Thank you. I’ve enjoyed it.